Sunday, April 4, 2010


I recently met a guy that claimed he hates Apple (the company, not the child of Gwen Paltrow and that guy from Coldplay), and when I asked him why, he said, "Because they're taking over the world!"

Okay, woah.  In the words of my Sassy Gay Friend, slow down, crazy. Slow down.

At first I wasn't sure if I understood his reasoning, but when I asked him to repeat it, he said that Apple stuff is just too "popular."  I told him that he only felt that way because Apple marketing targets his college-kid-demographic.  They haven't captured nearly as much of the market as one would believe.  When it comes to technology for personal use, sure.  Apple is back.  But in the business world?  Microsoft still dominates!

But really, let's get to the meat of this situation: not liking something just because it's popular.  Come ON, if you're going to hate something, at least pick a legit reason.  What if everybody just started not using things because everybody else does? Like water!  We all use water, but who says, "Omigod, there's like, way too many people using water right now, so I'm just going to stop for a while."  And seriously, oxygen is way overrated.  Everybody is using it, so there has got to be something wrong with it.

Sorry, dude.  Your hate of all things popular has been rejected.  Please wait three days, and try again.

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