Thursday, August 2, 2012

The 22 Project: NYC - episode 11

This meeting was pretty straightforward and uneventful.  A guy wearing a fitted, short sleeved shirt caught my eye.  Of course he did, right?  He was holding onto the subway rail in our crowded train, because that's what you do in a subway, especially when the driver (conductor?) is a train-jerking jerk. (See what I did there?)  Ease onto the breaks, dude!

Anyway, guy looked great in his fitted shirt, lots of defined muscle-y stuff going on, but one thing was odd about him.  On the inside of his bicep, which was otherwise a very nice bicep, was a tattoo.  It's not the first inner-arm tattoo I'd ever seen, but this one was definitely the most unexpected.  Muscle-y man had a large tattoo of a spoon!  (Not pictured, because I'm a daft bint who forgets to take photos of important things.)

I admired, and wondered, and curious'ed from afar.  What did it mean?  

It must have some intense meaning, I thought.  That is no ordinary spoon.  Maybe there is no spoon at all!  That train of thought led to obligatory conjectures of allusions from The Matrix, but I quickly squashed those ideas, because then the not-spoon would be bent, right?

It was clear that The Spoon Arm had captured my attention to the point that I had to follow the rules of the 22 Project, so when I'd had enough of fruitless guessing I walked over and introduced myself.

And that's how I met Vinny.  I think.  I'm actually not certain of his name, because for such a muscle-y man, he was very soft spoken.

I asked what his tattoo meant, and he said plainly, "It's my profession."

Well this just goes to where my head is any time before 10AM, because I immediately went to, Woah, he's a spoon maker?  Crafter of spoons?  My, that's unreal.  Then again, I've never thought about who makes our spoons before.

Then he elaborated and I felt like a fool: he's a chef, of course.

And that was it!  I sort of neglected him for the rest of the train ride, and completely forgot to get his info to send him a link to the article, but that's how I met The Man Who Might Be Called Vinny the Chef.

I hope to see him on one of those food TV shows one day, just to finally know his name.  And to say, "I met that guy when I was living in the Greatest City on Earth*!"

(*Citation needed.)

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